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What to do if you loose a Cat (Denver Metro)
PLEASE SHARE THIS LIST - Hopefully, it will help someone track down their furbaby (or inspire prevention and microchipping). Georgia is still missing and I'd love to get her picture out everywhere I can ASAP!
Be Prepared Before it Happens:
Find a comfy collar your pet can wear 24/7.
Get your pets ‘micro-chipped’. Some locations even offer this as a free service and on average it costs $20-75.
Register your Pet with the City. Pet licenses are required by law in Denver. You can purchase online at PetData.com
Online Scammers: You may get contacted by people who claim they will search for your pet for a fee. Legit ones may exist and if you know of one, let me know of a REAL one, and I’ll research and share.
Text Scammers: Heartbreakingly, a man texted me a video of him, showing his face, holding a black cat, asking for $75 on PayPal to return my kitty. Don’t support LOSERS who take advantage, they do NOT have your cat. It’s just awful!
Keep Important info handy
My Pet’s Microchip # is:
My Pet’s Vet is:
The closest 24/7 Vet is located at:
Pop your garage 10” and leave food and water in it for them.
Check garage(s) and exterior sheds in your yard and those of immediate neighbors.
Leave their litter box out so they can find it.
Morning and Evening Walks.** Cats typically wander only within a 2-block radius and you can often call for them at twilight when it's cool enough for them to leave the shade. They have been known to also wander miles from home though so expand your search online and don’t give up hope if you don’t find them right away. There’s always hope!
Put your worn clothing wherever they can find it around the periphery of your property or at doors they could wait for you at.
Post fliers - A staple gun is a helpful tool. (Remove fliers when your cat is safe again)
Go door to door and ask your neighbors.
Look under cars before starting them - they are shaded hiding spots for furbabies.
[ ] File a Lost Pet report with Animal Control | Denver # (720) 913-1311
[ ] SEARCH the FOUND pets section - ask friends to help you monitor sites!
[ ] Post a Lost Pet Report to the following Sites and research others for your city/county.
[ ] Call local vets and shelters.
[ ] PawBoost.com
[ ] PetCoLove.Org
[ ] PawsCo.org
[ ] 24PetConnect
[ ] Riverdale Animal Shelter aka Adams County Animal Shelter - 12155 Park Blvd, Brighton
[ ] Aurora Animal Shelter - 15750 E. 32nd Ave, Aurora, CO 80011 - 303.326.8280
[ ] Denver Animal Shelter - 1241 W. Bayaud Ave, Denver 80223 - 720-913-2080
[ ] Foothills Animal Shelter - 580 McIntyre Street in Golden, CO - 303-278-7575
[ ] Denver Dumb Friends League
[ ] MaxFund Cat Shelter - 720-266-6081 (Cat Shelter) 303-595-4917 (Dog Shelter)
[ ] Humane Society of Boulder Valley
[ ] Humane Society of Colorado Springs
[ ] Humane Society of Northern Colorado
[ ] Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region
[ ] Humane Society of the South Platte Valley
[ ] Craigslist - Pets
[ ] PetCoLove.org - Love Lost Search site searches the following databases:*
[ ] NextDoor - Also Download the App and Search for Yourself
[ ] Ring Neighbors - Also Download the App and Search for Yourself
FACEBOOK: Join Lost/Found Pet groups for your area / COLORADO
[ ] Colorado Pets Lost and Found Group
[ ] Colorado Lost and Found Pets
[ ] Lost and Found Cats of Colorado
[ ] Colorado Lost or Found Pets
[ ] Tri-County, Colorado Lost and Found Pets (Adams, Jefferson, & Arapahoe)
[ ] Denver Lost and Found Pets
[ ] Denver Lost Pets
[ ] Denver, CO - Lost Dogs, Cats & Pets - PawBoost Community
[ ] Colorado - Lost Dogs, Cats & Pets - PawBoost Community
[ ] Metro Street Cats Shelter
[ ] Lost & Found Black Cats of USA Only
[ ] LOST/Found Blank Cats Only
Angels with Paws - 1970 Kipling Street, Lakewood, CO 80215 - 303-274-2264
If you have any tips, cat-finding tricks, or suggestions for how I can make this page more useful, please email me at ErinRose.RealEstate@gmail.com | Subject: Website Edit > Lost Cat Resource
My Story… July 2024
I’m a very positive person and I resisted the reality that my cat of 16 years, Miss Curious Georgia, had somehow managed to get down from my 4 story-roof deck. I didn’t believe it was possible for FAR too long before I expanded my search outside of my own house. It took almost 48 hours to be truly convinced that my sometimes Hide&Seek champion kitty was NOT hiding inside my house. I live in a tall townhouse without a yard she could safely return to, so once scaling her way down a formerly impossible ‘house cliff’ like a Spidercat, she had the world at her pawtips and no way back into my home.
I had assumed she’d snuck over to my neighbor’s roof deck and had gone into their house; likely hiding in a laundry basket or in the magical world that exists inside the ‘innards’ of a big comfy couch. But, after a few days, and lots of searching, that turned from unlikely to impossible - and so the other impossible thing became true: she’s a secret superhero who can climb vertical walls! I will forever hope that in the last week, she has found a new loving family with great air-conditioning and cool water and yummy tuna - and I still have a little sliver of forever hope that I’ll always hold onto... that someone will read this, recognize her, and help her find her way back to my home - where I will never again let her sleep without her collar on and will immediately get this woman micro-chipped!!!
She was always a curious cat! Ugh!
I love you Georgia - now get your tail back home this instant! *Love Mom, Erin Rose